Amaeya Lyrics
Check out the lyrics of “I Decide,” which is the fifth song on Amaeya’s Like A Flower EP, provided below.
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Amaeya – I Decide Lyrics
ChorusHow did I, how did I, how did IHow did I get here? MmmI decide, I decide, I decideWhat to do with my life
VerseBut now the thing’s if I dieI won’t leave with my bodySo between you and II no go wait for your party’Cause I deserve it all, yeahNot gonna let me down’Cause I deserve good time, yeahWoah, what I like, what I desireAll I desire up in my mindQuiet the noise, quiet the liesLove is desire, love is all mine, mine
ChorusHow did I, how did I, how did IHow did I get here? MmmI decide, I decide, I decideWhat to do with my life
OutroGonna love me, pretty babyShe dey lovely, pretty babyGonna love me…, yeahGonna love me, pretty baby, yeah
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